Surfboards starting conversations about our environment.

A love of surfing accompanies an appreciation for the coastal environment.

As surfers, we have a moral obligation to protect and preserve the environment for the enjoyment of generations to come.

Climate change threatens every part of the planet. It’s a global problem that requires global cooperation.

Our mission is to increase consensus and cooperation around the international climate emergency. We aim to create awareness about preserving the planet’s most exceptional wild places.

Great Southern Designs produces hand-crafted surfboards that are highly functional, yet unique in appearance and design. We hope purchasing our boards will act as a vessel of conversation to spread environmental awareness and promote citizen science.

Our goal.

The Great Southern Reef.

The Great Southern Reef fringes over 8000km of Australia's Southern coastline. The Great Southern Reef is made up of a network of rocky reefs dominated by brown kelp forest.

These ecosystems are among the most productive and diverse ecosystems on the planet with up to 80% of its species found nowhere else on the planet. Our business name was created to promote conversation surrounding the importance of the Great Southern Reef.